
Unfortunately "Platoon" is no longer available to stream on NOW in the UK. It may return in the future but we don't know when... Sorry!

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Date Added: 1st August 2014

Date Removed: 1st August 2017

Available for: 37 months



Charlie Sheen leads Oliver Stone's emotional ground assault as a teenage college drop-out who volunteers to serve as a "grunt" in the US Army in Vietnam. In Sheen's best performance, we see his psychological disintegration as he witnesses atrocities and becomes caught in the power struggle between a pair of veteran sergeants (Willem Dafoe and Tom Berenger) when one of them precipitates a massacre of villagers. Based on Stone's own experiences and the winner of four Oscars including Best Picture, this is a sobering corrective to John Wayne's flag-waving The Green Berets.



Year: 1986

Duration: 1hr 54m


Cast: Charlie Sheen, Willem Dafoe, Tom Berenger, Kevin Dillon, John C McGinley


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