The Santa Clause

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Date Added: 31st August 2014

Date Removed: 1st March 2015

Available for: 6 months



A Disney movie in the old style, in which divorced Scott Calvin (Tim Allen) has his little son Charlie (Eric Lloyd) back for Christmas Eve and tries to bolster the kid's belief in Santa, which is being destroyed by his stepfather (Judge Reinhold). What Scott isn't prepared for is the real Santa falling to his death after making a pancake landing on his roof, and Scott becoming the next Santa. Allen gamely ho-ho-hos and there's a lot to enjoy in a seasonal yarn that spawned to sequels.The script occasionally shows flashes of wit above its station, which. along with Allen's fun turn and Reinhold's snazzy sweaters, overcome the film's sticky sentiment.



Year: 1994

Duration: 1hr 33m


Cast: Eric Lloyd, Judge Reinhold, Wendy Crewson, Tim Allen


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