The Black Hole

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Date Added: 24th February 2016

Date Removed: 24th February 2017

Available for: 12 months



The deep space research vessel USS Palomino is heading back to Earth when it makes a detour to investigate an apparently derelict space craft drifting at the edge of the black hole. The crew - led by Robert Forster's skipper - investigate and discover that it is the long-lost USS Cygnus. Unbelievably, the vessel's German captain (Maximilian Schell) is still in command and served by a crew of sinister androids after the original team were sent back to Earth... and now he plans to take the ship through the black hole. However, Forster and his men plus the robot V. I. N. CENT (Vital Information Necessary CENTralized). grow increasingly suspicious. With good reason. Dark for a Disney production, this was the first feature from the House of Mouse to be given a PG rating.



Year: 1979

Duration: 1hr 31m


Cast: Maximilian Schell, Robert Forster, Anthony Perkins, Yvette Mimieux, Ernest Borgnine


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