The Stepford Wives (1975)

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Date Added: 1st January 2012

Date Removed: 2nd January 2015

Available for: 37 months



When city couple Walter and Joanna move to a peaceful New England backwater, they discover that the women cater to their husbands' every need without question. It's almost like they're made to order or something... Butch and Sundance writer William Goldman delivers a strong adaptation of Ira Levin's chilling bestseller, with Katharine Ross and Paula Prentiss starring alongside director Bryan Forbes' own wife, former washing-up icon Nanette Newman. Remade less effectively as a comedy with Matthew Broderick and Nicole Kidman.



Year: 1974

Duration: 1hr 50m


Cast: Nanette Newman, Katharine Ross, Patrick O'Neal, Paula Prentiss


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