Ice Princess

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Date Added: 16th January 2015

Date Removed: 15th January 2016

Available for: 12 months



Buffy and Gossip Girl star Michelle Trachtenberg gets her skates on as Casey, a brainy high schooler who combines her knowledge of physics with her passion for ice skating for a science project. But her mother (Joan Cusack) doesn't approve, and life isn't made any easier by the tough coach (Kim Cattrall) who drives Casey as hard as her own daughter (Hayden Panettiere). Adding a few neat spins to the traditional sports movie formula, this Disney yarn deserves high scores from all judges.



Year: 2004

Duration: 1hr 34m


Cast: Michelle Trachtenberg, Trevor Blumas, Kim Cattrall, Joan Cusack, Hayden Panettiere


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