Fun with Dick and Jane (2005)

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Date Added: 22nd February 2014

Date Removed: 22nd December 2014

Available for: 10 months



Jim Carrey plays the loveable crazy guy once again in this lively remake of a 1977 crime caper that provided a hit for Jane Fonda. He's Dick, a corporate stooge who takes the flack when his company tanks, leaving he and his wife Jane (Téa Leoni) in dire straits. Earning money legitimately proves disastrous, so the desperate couple go on a crime spree - and spy a golden opportunity to get even with Dick's slippery ex-boss. Think Bonnie and Clyde played for laughs.



Year: 2005

Duration: 1hr 26m


Cast: Jim Carrey, Tea Leoni, Alec Baldwin, Richard Jenkins


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